
Pupil Premium Plan

In 2011 the government introduced some funding for schools called Pupil Premium in order to support the progress of vulnerable groups.  The funding is paid directly to the school and the amount received is based on the number of pupils who receive free school meals, children in care and children of parents in the armed forces.

Schools are free to spend this funding as we see fit. The Head Teacher can spend this money in a variety of ways to ensure the very best pupil outcomes although Ofsted recommend successful approaches that may include:

  • well-targeted support to improve attendance, behaviour or links with families where these are barriers to a pupil’s learning
  • ensuring support staff (particularly Learning Support Assistants) are highly trained and understand their role in helping pupils to achieve
  • allocating the best teachers to teach intervention groups to improve mathematics and English
  • involving governors in the decision making and evaluation process.

It is vital that if you think your child may be entitled to Pupil Premium Funding to let the school know. Further information can be found here.

Current Academic Year (2023-24)

Our Pupil Premium fund for the current academic year will be £139,680. Please see below for our strategy. 

Previous Academic Year (2022-2023)

Please see below for our impact report for the funding recieved last year.